Grupo Carrefour Brasil launches public notices to support organizations and collective groups that promote racial equity and black entrepreneurship
São Paulo, May 31, 2020.
Grupo Carrefour Brasil presents this Tuesday, June 1st, the first cycle of public notices to encourage racial equity, with a focus on strengthening institutions, promoting black entrepreneurship and combating racism.
There are three public notices, which will benefit around 40 organizations and collective groups from the five regions of Brazil, starting a series that foresees future investments in the areas of education, employability and entrepreneurship, all aimed at the black population.
The notices were developed with the support of KLID, a consultancy that helps organizations interested in supporting social causes, and the total investments in this first cycle reach BRL$ 2 million. The resources will be applied for 1 year with the possibility of extending the project, depending on evaluations.
The action is part of the commitments made to society since the inexplicable act of violence that took the life of João Alberto, a black citizen, at a Carrefour store in Porto Alegre.
“With the participation of society, we have learned valuable lessons about the racism issue in Brazil, its repercussions and consequences”, explains Lucio Vicente, Sustainability Director of Grupo Carrefour Brasil.
“We are making the necessary internal changes to promote equality, and we understand that it is essential to foster movements that are already working for the development of the black community, who have been in this struggle for a long time. We are all holding hands, working together to be able to change this reality”, he says.
Public Notice: Strengthening the fight against racism
Its objective is to support initiatives to combat racism and discrimination, through investment in projects and actions by collective groups and civil society organizations focused on this front.
For this, ten organizations will be selected that will each receive BRL$ 30,000 to develop awareness campaigns to combat racism, create anti-racist content and projects with an anti-racist nature and valorization of black identity and culture for up to 12 months. The investment mentioned in this notice amounts to BRL$300 thousand.
Public Notice: Support for groups working on the racial issue
This is aimed at supporting and institutionally strengthening black civil society organizations and collectives, which develop and implement initiatives related to racial issues, with a focus on the black population.
The investment will be in the amount of BRL$975,000 and will last for 12 months – and may be extended for an equal period – and fifteen organizations will be selected and will receive BRL$65,000 each. Resources can be directed towards improving the organization’s strategy, management methods and processes, institutional communication and outreach activities, as well as regular operating expenses.
Public Notice: Prominence for black entrepreneurs
Finally, the company launched a third notice to support different initiatives to promote black entrepreneurship. With this investment front, Grupo Carrefour Brasil seeks to support collectives, accelerators, incubators and non-profit institutions that work to strengthen and expand black entrepreneurship.
In all, fifteen organizations will be selected, which will receive a total of BRL$ 750 thousand (BRL$ 50 thousand each) that will be used to invest in empowerment, training and mentoring activities aimed at small and micro black entrepreneurs. The amount can also be used to structure consulting services and to facilitate the distribution of technologies, tools and processes, as well as to provide microcredit and to contribute to research and innovation that strengthen the economic recovery of businesses owned by black entrepreneurs.
To find out more details about the selection criteria for the notices and to register, those interested should visit the following website:
Sobre o Grupo Carrefour Brasil
Há mais de 45 anos no país, o Grupo Carrefour Brasil é líder de mercado de distribuição de alimentos. A partir de uma plataforma omnicanal e multiformato, reúne operações de varejo e Cash & Carry, além do Banco Carrefour e de sua divisão imobiliária, o Carrefour Property. Atualmente, conta com os formatos Carrefour (hipermercado), Carrefour Bairro e Carrefour Market (supermercado), Carrefour Express (varejo de proximidade), (e-commerce), Atacadão (atacado e atacado de autosserviço), além de postos de combustíveis e drogarias. Presente em todos os Estados e Distrito Federal, sua operação já abrange mais de 721 pontos de vendas. Com faturamento de R$ 74,8 bilhões em 2020 e mais de 96 mil colaboradores no Brasil, a empresa é a segunda maior operação dentre os países nos quais o Grupo Carrefour opera. A companhia se destaca ainda por ser uma das maiores empregadoras privadas do país e uma das 20 maiores empresas listadas na bolsa brasileira (B3). Além disso, tem focado em democratizar cada vez mais o acesso da população à alimentação saudável, promovendo o movimento Act For Food. No mundo, o Grupo Carrefour atua em mais de 30 países e, nos próximos anos, implementa estratégia prevista no plano Carrefour 2022, por meio da qual lidera intenso movimento de omnicanalidade, transformação digital e transição alimentar para que seus clientes consumam ainda melhor em qualquer lugar. Com mais de 320 mil colaboradores e 13 mil lojas espalhadas pela Europa, Ásia e América Latina, está presente na vida de mais de 105 milhões de clientes. Em 2020, a receita global da companhia totalizou € 78,6 bilhões.
Informações para a imprensa:
Grupo Carrefour Brasil – (11) 94195-4592 | [email protected]