Grupo Carrefour Brasil announces the organizations selected in the notices to encourage racial equity and black entrepreneurship

August 31, 2021.

Continuing the 8 public commitments assumed by Grupo Carrefour Brasil, from a series of 72 initiatives to combat structural racism, 38 projects were selected in the first cycle of public notices aimed at institutional strengthening of Afro-Brazilian organizations from civil society; support for black entrepreneurship; and actions to combat and raise awareness of racism and discrimination. Winners were announced on August 26th during the online event. The objective is to offer financial support, for a period of 1 year, to associations and collectives that promote racial equity and black entrepreneurship in the country, with contributions of up to R$ 65,000 per project.

According to Klebs Rodrigues, from KLID, the planning consultancy responsible for building the methodology for the notices, the idea was to prepare material that was easy to understand. “We sought to create a simple notice, without bureaucracy and difficult-to-understand lines, but one that allowed us to extract the best from the entries, and we achieved it,” he explained, emphasizing the need to look at these entities, as many of the chosen ones stated that they had never contemplated with foreign investment.

The investment in public notices aims to enable and promote selected entities on different fronts, such as in management processes, communication activities, acquisition of equipment and support for regular expenses. In all, 1,625 entries were received from all 26 Brazilian states, since the launch of the notice, on June 1, 2021.

During the event to publicize the selected projects, the winning institutions were able to learn more about the group’s actions in favor of racial equity and combating racism, in addition to the process for creating the notices, highlighting the company’s commitment to the racial agenda. The meeting enabled networking among those selected and sharing their experiences and challenges with the company’s employees.

“The selection of entities included in the notices is one of the embodiments of the commitments assumed by Grupo Carrefour Brasil. We understand that our work to combat structural racism becomes stronger when we count on the participation of society from entities that already have a history in this fight”, explains Lucio Vicente, Sustainability Director for Grupo Carrefour Brasil.

Check the list with the selected and the commitments of Grupo Carrefour Brasil in the fight against racism here.

Sobre o Grupo Carrefour Brasil  

Há mais de 46 anos no país, o Grupo Carrefour Brasil é líder de mercado de distribuição de alimentos. A partir de uma plataforma omnicanal e multiformato, reúne operações de varejo e Cash & Carry, além do Banco Carrefour e de sua divisão imobiliária, o Carrefour Property. Atualmente, conta com os formatos Carrefour (hipermercado), Carrefour Bairro e Carrefour Market (supermercado), Carrefour Express (varejo de proximidade), (e-commerce), Atacadão (atacado e atacado de autosserviço), além de postos de combustíveis e drogarias. Presente em todos os Estados e Distrito Federal, sua operação já abrange 779 pontos de vendas. Com faturamento de R$ 81,2 bilhões em 2021 e mais de 100 mil colaboradores no Brasil, a empresa é a segunda maior operação dentre os países nos quais o Grupo Carrefour opera. A companhia se destaca ainda por ser uma das maiores empregadoras privadas do país e uma das 20 maiores empresas listadas na bolsa brasileira (B3). Além disso, tem focado em democratizar cada vez mais o acesso da população à alimentação saudável, promovendo o movimento Act For Food. No mundo, o Grupo Carrefour atua em mais de 30 países e, nos próximos anos, implementa estratégia prevista no plano Carrefour 2022, por meio da qual lidera intenso movimento de omnicanalidade, transformação digital e transição alimentar para que seus clientes consumam ainda melhor em qualquer lugar. Com mais de 320 mil colaboradores e 12 mil lojas espalhadas pela Europa, Ásia e América Latina, está presente na vida de mais de 105 milhões de clientes. Em 2021, a receita global da companhia totalizou € 81,2 bilhões. Clique aqui e conheça mais sobre o Grupo. 

Informações para a imprensa:   

Grupo Carrefour Brasil – (11) 94195-4592 | [email protected]