Death of João Alberto cannot be forgotten: Carrefour announces anti-racist commitments and long-term action plan
December 11, 2020.
On November 25th, Carrefour Brasil prepared a short, medium and long-term action plan, which reinforces our historic commitment to valuing diversity with a greater emphasis on the inclusion of black men and women and in the fight against discrimination as a way to contribute to the confrontation of institutional racism in the country. From the eight commitments announced publicly, Carrefour will act firmly so that the tragic episode of Mr. João Alberto is not forgotten and for this harsh reality is truly transformed. In Brazil, where 56% of the population self-identifies as being black, it is essential that these people occupy their spaces in society, once and for all, in order to stop being treated as minorities.
Thus, this plan is comprehensive and comprises three main spheres: Internal – involving all its employees; Ecosystem – including network partners and suppliers; External – with society as a whole.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Which was also the first commitment established by Carrefour Brasil determines that the company reviews, by the end of next month, its Valuing Diversity policy, emphasizing the rigorous treatment of cases of discrimination and racism by its team members, customers and suppliers. For that purpose, our basis will be the dialogue with specialists, entities and black movements, to help the company in the revision of its internal and external policies. The anti-discrimination measures encompass changes in management and governance that include: 1) institution of preventive and sanctioning measures against racist practices and other forms of discrimination established in a clear, transparent manner and made publicly available; 2) adoption of governance practices that reinforce control and accountability on the part of the company’s top management; 3) implementation of permanent anti-racist education and training programs for our team members.
Another point that will be adopted, also until January/21, is an anti-racist clause and an anti-discrimination clause in all contracts that Carrefour Brasil has with its suppliers.
Security Model
Following the announcement on December 4th, Carrefour Brasil adopted a commitment to internalize 100% of its security team that works within its stores, starting with a pilot project in four units in Rio Grande do Sul, on 12/14. The goal is to have the internalization implemented throughout the network by the end of October 2021, depending on the results of this pilot. These professionals will have a different profile and approach, with an emphasis on support, guidance and welcoming customers. Besides that, the professionals responsible for the stores’ external security, who comply with legal requirements approved by the Federal Police, will receive anti-racism training to be aligned with the company’s policies. Carrefour reiterates that the security professionals hired by the stores will follow the representation of the Brazilian population, in which approximately 50% will be women and afro-descendants.
Dissemination and Training on Zero Tolerance Policy
More than training our team members and suppliers, we need to be transparent with society, so that citizens themselves can monitor the execution of the proposed action plan. By the end of next month, Carrefour will launch a hotsite so that all actions can be monitored. In addition to providing accountability information, it will be a channel for dialogue with entities and movements that fight for the cause, to raise awareness, as well as publication of notices and campaigns on the subject.
Moreover, all employees will be trained following a path of diversity, inclusion and combating racism and discrimination, having ethnicity as an intersectional axis, also dealing properly with LGBT+, PWD – People with Disabilities, among other topics and causes. By the end of February 2021, campaigns will be started with the theme of combating racism, as a way to raise awareness of the Brazilian population on the matter. The creation of a virtual and educational Forum on combating racism and all types of discrimination, open to all Brazilians, will take place before the end of June 2021.
Career Opportunities for Black People
Most Brazilian professionals have white people in charge of them. According to a survey by Instituto Locomotiva, only 10% of those in charge are black. Because of these statistics, Carrefour will guarantee, until December 2021, the development and training of 100 afro-descendants per year as a career lever, focusing on leadership positions and critical positions for the organization, including psychological and emotional support, knowledge acceleration (undergraduate, MBA, languages, among other courses.) and career mentoring. Another key point that will be adopted, until the end of March 2021, is the review of goals for the inclusion of afro-descendants at leadership levels, the performance evaluation system, including potential and competences, as well as the promotion and merit policy, in order to contribute to fairer career growth opportunities.
Private Social Investment
Grupo Carrefour Brasil is committed to investing in actions that impact society. Therefore, it will announce, until February 2021, public notices focused on education, employability and entrepreneurship of black people, which cover the financing of technical and academic courses (undergraduate, graduate, masters, doctorate and exchange programs) in areas of Technology and Gastronomy for training professionals for the labor market. The chain will also work to promote Social Projects for black entrepreneurs in the areas of food in rural and/or urban areas and technology, as well as the creation of volunteer actions with the communities surrounding its stores, all scheduled for the first half of 2021.
Hiring Black People
Carrefour undertakes to use its best efforts to hire black professionals for strategic positions, and also employ approximately 20,000 black employees annually in partnership with associations and HR professionals located in the communities where the company is located, respecting the racial representation of the country’s population. By the end of August 2021, a specific internship and a trainee program will be created for black men and women, in order to boost the company’s leadership teams.
Digital Security Devices
Another important measure, which will be implemented in the first quarter of 2021, is the creation of an Ombudsman Channel, focused on combating racism and all types of discrimination. The main goal is to have this space so that customers can easily report cases within the stores. As complaints are received, a dedicated team will immediately start the investigation to take the necessary measures, in order to prevent similar situations from recurring. Simultaneously, we are strengthening our Whistleblower Channel for team members with specific assistance for discrimination issues. Carrefour’s websites, apps and stores will also feature a device to support people who are suffering any kind of prejudice and violence related to race or gender.
Black Entrepreneurship Accelerator
On the other hand, opportunities for black entrepreneurs are still much smaller compared to the rest of the population. Thus, in the first quarter of 2021, Carrefour will create an Inclusion Program for these entrepreneurs in its value chain in partnership with black intermediary entities and organizations. The company will also invest financial resources for black incubator and accelerator networks in the gastronomy, rural and technology production chains, starting with a pilot program in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition to that, it will make good use of our digital and physical marketplace to publicize the network of black entrepreneurs in each region, as a way to expand operations and foster local entrepreneurship.
Diversity and respect have always been non-negotiable core values for Carrefour. Over the last few years, we have developed several affirmative actions that seek equal opportunities, a culture of respect, dialogue with stakeholders and diversity as valuable pillars of our brand. Carrefour understands that these commitments we made are just the beginning of a change that is truly necessary and will act firmly so that we fight against institutional racism every day, for black men and women to occupy their places of work, respect and free speech in society, and for partners and suppliers to support this urgent cause.
Sobre o Grupo Carrefour Brasil
Há mais de 46 anos no país, o Grupo Carrefour Brasil é líder de mercado de distribuição de alimentos. A partir de uma plataforma omnicanal e multiformato, reúne operações de varejo e Cash & Carry, além do Banco Carrefour e de sua divisão imobiliária, o Carrefour Property. Atualmente, conta com os formatos Carrefour (hipermercado), Carrefour Bairro e Carrefour Market (supermercado), Carrefour Express (varejo de proximidade), (e-commerce), Atacadão (atacado e atacado de autosserviço), além de postos de combustíveis e drogarias. Presente em todos os Estados e Distrito Federal, sua operação já abrange 779 pontos de vendas. Com faturamento de R$ 81,2 bilhões em 2021 e mais de 100 mil colaboradores no Brasil, a empresa é a segunda maior operação dentre os países nos quais o Grupo Carrefour opera. A companhia se destaca ainda por ser uma das maiores empregadoras privadas do país e uma das 20 maiores empresas listadas na bolsa brasileira (B3). Além disso, tem focado em democratizar cada vez mais o acesso da população à alimentação saudável, promovendo o movimento Act For Food. No mundo, o Grupo Carrefour atua em mais de 30 países e, nos próximos anos, implementa estratégia prevista no plano Carrefour 2022, por meio da qual lidera intenso movimento de omnicanalidade, transformação digital e transição alimentar para que seus clientes consumam ainda melhor em qualquer lugar. Com mais de 320 mil colaboradores e 12 mil lojas espalhadas pela Europa, Ásia e América Latina, está presente na vida de mais de 105 milhões de clientes. Em 2021, a receita global da companhia totalizou € 81,2 bilhões. Clique aqui e conheça mais sobre o Grupo.
Informações para a imprensa:
Grupo Carrefour Brasil – (11) 94195-4592 | [email protected]