Carrefour after João Alberto’s case: public commitments, agreements with family members and negotiation with authorities in favor of diversity

Since the tragic death of November 2020, Grupo Carrefour Brasil has provided financial and psychological assistance to the family of João Alberto Freitas. The family was assisted by a social worker, in addition to psychological and financial support for daily expenses (supermarket, rent, transport, education, among others). Simultaneously, and in addition to this emergency support, Carrefour promptly sought to enter into compensation agreements for the members of João Alberto’s family, eight of who had their indemnities already defined and, in some cases, even paid. 

This means the following:

– all four of João Alberto’s children, his stepdaughter and granddaughter have already had their settlements defined, with finalized negotiations. Only the three children from his second marriage are still awaiting ratification by the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul for the respective payments to be made;

– among these family members, the daughter and granddaughter from João Alberto’s first marriage, as well as his stepdaughter, have already had the agreement approved and received the settled amount;

– João Alberto’s father has already received the agreed amount; 

– João Alberto’s sister has already received the agreed amount;

The only unfinished agreement is with João Alberto’s widow, Mrs. Milena Borges Alves, who has been insisting, through her lawyers, on receiving unreasonable amounts and outside the jurisprudential levels, which has hindered the possibility to reach a consensus. Carrefour has been negotiating very cooperatively to reach a final agreement. In fact, Mrs. Milena’s daughter (João Alberto’s stepdaughter), as described, also represented by the same lawyers as her mother’s, has already formalized an agreement and received, as well as her patrons, the stipulated amount.

It is important to emphasize that the amount offered by the company to Mrs. Milena for individual moral damages is much higher than the amount stipulated for compensation for the death of a family member by the Superior Court of Justice and also higher than the amount her lawyers have been reporting in the media. Without any form of prejudice, Carrefour remains firm in the purpose of a settlement and proposes to pay Mrs. Milena’s fees, even though they are above market standards and represent a quite relevant amount.


In parallel with the agreements with the family, Carrefour is negotiating with the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul an indemnity for collective moral damages, which will take place through a Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC), establishing commitments and obligations of the company with society for the fight against racism in the country, supporting and investing in actions that contribute to changing this sad scenario of racism that exists in Brazil nowadays.

Combating racism is an issue that needs to be everyone’s priority and Carrefour understands that it needs to play an important role in this context. Since the death of João Alberto, Carrefour has made eight commitments with more than 50 public initiatives to combat discrimination and inclusion of black men and women, as a way of contributing to the fight against racism in Brazil. To support these commitments, a Diversity Fund was created, the resources of which will be allocated to actions with an impact on society, provided for in the commitments disclosed.

To follow up on the commitments made by Carrefour, the website Não Vamos Esquecer (We Will Not Forget It) was launched, which brings together all of Carrefour’s actions and advances in the fight against racism.        

Sobre o Grupo Carrefour Brasil  

Há mais de 46 anos no país, o Grupo Carrefour Brasil é líder de mercado de distribuição de alimentos. A partir de uma plataforma omnicanal e multiformato, reúne operações de varejo e Cash & Carry, além do Banco Carrefour e de sua divisão imobiliária, o Carrefour Property. Atualmente, conta com os formatos Carrefour (hipermercado), Carrefour Bairro e Carrefour Market (supermercado), Carrefour Express (varejo de proximidade), (e-commerce), Atacadão (atacado e atacado de autosserviço), além de postos de combustíveis e drogarias. Presente em todos os Estados e Distrito Federal, sua operação já abrange 779 pontos de vendas. Com faturamento de R$ 81,2 bilhões em 2021 e mais de 100 mil colaboradores no Brasil, a empresa é a segunda maior operação dentre os países nos quais o Grupo Carrefour opera. A companhia se destaca ainda por ser uma das maiores empregadoras privadas do país e uma das 20 maiores empresas listadas na bolsa brasileira (B3). Além disso, tem focado em democratizar cada vez mais o acesso da população à alimentação saudável, promovendo o movimento Act For Food. No mundo, o Grupo Carrefour atua em mais de 30 países e, nos próximos anos, implementa estratégia prevista no plano Carrefour 2022, por meio da qual lidera intenso movimento de omnicanalidade, transformação digital e transição alimentar para que seus clientes consumam ainda melhor em qualquer lugar. Com mais de 320 mil colaboradores e 12 mil lojas espalhadas pela Europa, Ásia e América Latina, está presente na vida de mais de 105 milhões de clientes. Em 2021, a receita global da companhia totalizou € 81,2 bilhões. Clique aqui e conheça mais sobre o Grupo. 

Informações para a imprensa:   

Grupo Carrefour Brasil – (11) 94195-4592 | [email protected]